Lights, Camera, Computers

Lights, Camera, Computers

Technology has a history of starring roles, but how much pans out?

By Laura Haight
Originally published in the Upstate Business Journal as the Digital Maven

Snowden, the new Oliver Stone movie about whistleblower/traitor/hero Edward Snowden’s journey from the Beltway to exile in Moscow, opened last month. Reviews were mixed and the film seemed to have fizzled fast. 

Technology has often played a key role in big-budget flicks and scripted TV series. And it’s an artistic challenge. No matter how innovative you are, it is hard to make working at a computer look exciting.

Some succeeded better than others. Here, not in any particular order save the last one, are my favorite movies with tech in a starring role. I’d love to hear yours - #UBJFilmTech.

Top Photo: Spencer Tracy and Kathryn Hepburn in 1957's Desk Set. A classic. And tech had nothing to do with that!

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